Subtle Gestures and Tonsorial Distractions: Javier Bardem as a Travelling Performer
The Dancer Upstairs |
That Javier Bardem idea I've been muttering about for more than a year has finally come to fruition (although, as is often the way, not quite in the form that I'd originally envisaged). The Cine-Files sent out a performance-related call for papers last November and my submission was accepted. You can now read 'Subtle Gestures and Tonsorial Distractions: Javier Bardem as a Travelling Performer' - in which I discuss Bardem's performances in Los lunes al sol, Mar adentro, Before Night Falls, The Dancer Upstairs, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, and No Country for Old Men - over at The Cine-Files. There are a host of other acting-related pieces on the site as well.